Health Problems During Pregnancy




Pregnancy comes with a pack full of problems. It is a joyous occasion for all expectant mothers. But there are many health issues, minor as well as major that can mar the spirits and dampen the enthusiasm of these very pregnant women.

Whilst most of these symptoms could be harmless, some cannot be neglected as they could be pointers to major catastrophes waiting to happen. Symptoms like morning sickness, nausea, fatigue, heart burn and back pain are very common occurrences during pregnancy.

But there are other symptoms like bleeding during pregnancy, amniotic fluid leak, gestational diabetes, urinary tract infections that need medical attention and constant monitoring in order to prevent miscarriages and pre term labour.


Every mother would want a healthy baby and hence must do her best to keep herself and the baby safe and secure in the womb. Find out what is nagging you and make sure you address the problem to keep the baby perfectly healthy.

Heath Issues Faced By Pregnant Women

Urinary Tract Infections

Pregnant women have an increased risk of contracting urinary tract infections. This is because the growing size of the uterus pushes the bladder down making it easy for the bacteria to enter the urinary tract. Uterus could also block the flow of urine resulting in an infection. Urinary tract infections during pregnancy have to be treated to avoid pre term labours and increase in blood pressure. Many safe antibiotics are available which can be taken with the advice of a doctor.

Symptoms include burning sensation while passing urine, lower abdominal pain, blood in urine, frequent and less urine and in severe cases, fever, chills, nausea and back pain when it spreads to the kidneys. Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice helps in clearing UTIs. You can also add lemon juice as part of your diet if you are prone to frequent UTIs.

Herat Burn in Pregnant Women

Most women experience heart burn during the last trimester. Your baby in the womb could be exerting pressure on the stomach as she grows, pushing the stomach acids up into the esophagus, causing heart burn. Pregnant women who experience heart burn must avoid spicy, fatty and acidic food and juices which will aggravate the condition. Break down your meals into several small servings. You may also avoid lying flat on the bed. Try propping your head up to avoid the reflux action. Chewing raw almonds will help reduce or prevent heart burn during pregnancy.

Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Pregnant women experience leg cramps due to a variety of reasons. Calcium, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can trigger leg cramps during pregnancy. Constriction of blood vessels and nerves by the pressure exerted by the foetus is another factor that causes leg cramps in pregnant women.

All deficiencies must be addressed carefully during pregnancy. Massaging the muscles helps to relieve the pain. You may also try placing heat pads on the sore muscles. Taking hot showers too relieves the pain. If the problem persists even after trying simple remedies, there could be underlying causes which need medical attention.


Bleeding Gums in Pregnant Women

Bleeding gums are mostly ignored by many pregnant women. But this is a very serious condition as you may be putting your baby’s life in jeopardy. The increased blood circulation in the body can lead to sensitive and swollen gums and bleeding. Bacteria can enter the mother’s blood stream through these bleeding gums, putting your baby at risk. Pregnancy related gingivitis occurs in many women, especially in the first and the third trimester. Ratones para gaming

Ensure that you use a gentle brush that does not hurt your sensitive gums. Frequent brushing of teeth and flossing will keep the bacteria at bay. You can massage essential oils like spearmint, peppermint, olive or almond oil onto your swollen and bleeding gums to sooth and ease the bruises. Practice saline rinses after every meal. Take a glass of warm water and add a pinch of salt into it. Rinse your moth several times using this solution to prevent swelling and increase blood circulation.


Leukorrhea or increase whitish discharge from the vagina is very common in women, pregnant or not. But during pregnancy, the secretions could increase due to the high production of estrogen in the body of pregnant women. While normal leukorrhea with a clear white discharge is not a cause for worry, there are other discharges which could be blood tinged, yellow, green or pink in colour.

These could be the results of cervical or vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, trichomonas etc. A vaginal swab can help in analysing the cause and treating the symptoms using safe antibiotic medications.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a diabetic condition experienced during pregnancy. The condition is caused by insulin resistance that a pregnant mother experiences during her pregnancy. Gestational diabetes can be detected in the second trimester. If left untreated it can be disastrous for the mother and the baby. The baby will grow bigger than normal and develop hypoglycaemia after birth. Gestational diabetes can lead to high blood pressure in pregnant women and result in preeclampsia. They can also fall prey to type 2 diabetes afterwards.

Control the intake of sweets and sugar can be followed as general rule by all pregnant women. Ensure that you are on a well balanced diet. Natural sugars present in fruits and vegetables are a safe alternative to the sweetened products available in the market. Regular exercise helps in converting the excess glucose present in the body into energy.

Amniotic Fluid Leak

Amniotic fluid is the fluid inside the womb which keeps the baby safe and floating. Low levels of amniotic fluid in a pregnant woman can cause complications and deformities in the foetus. Many women leak amniotic fluid during pregnancy. This must not be confused with regular leukorrhea.

Amniotic fluid leaks can be the cause of bacterial infections or a tear or trauma in the amniotic sac. While small tears repair on its own, bigger tears, especially during the early months, can tamper the development of the foetus and result in other complications like low amniotic fluid which is dangerous for the baby.

Amniotic fluid is thinner and flows out in excess. If you see worrying leakages, immediately consult the doctor.Pregnancy is the time when you face many such small symptoms. However, there is no need to stress yourself at every single issue. You could assess things yourself and consult a gynaecologist if you feel that things are getting out of hand.

Health Problems During Pregnancy

Health Problems During Pregnancy

Pregnancy comes with a pack full of problems. It is a joyous occasion for all expectant mothers. But there are many health issues, minor as well as major that





Health Problems During Pregnancy
Health Problems During Pregnancy

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