Tips for Premature Baby Care & Premature Baby Care | Pregnancy Care Week by Week by Pregnancy ihub




Some babies are impatient to see the outside world that they come out unannounced. They are born well before they are due to be born and are usually very much underweight, some time weighing less than 3 pounds.  These are special babies, aren’t they? So they need special care.

From the moment they are born and until 2 years, they need to be under watchful eyes.  Religious maintenance of their immunization charts and their growth rate are required.  The feeding formula has to be worked out. Extra vitamins and iron need to be administered to them.

Premature babies in bursts. They could be seen to be less active than is normal. They may take their own comfortable time to crawl and to sit up. Since inadequate fluid in-take can lead to dehydration, they need to be paid 9 or 10 times a day. If you are called upon to change the diaper 6 or 8 times a day, that is a good indicator that the baby is getting enough fluid.


Solid food should be given to these babies only after 6 to 7 months after birth. This takes into account the fact of the original date that the baby was due. Mothers can start with semi-liquid food and by the end of 8th month can move to vegetable purees, fruit pulps and cereals. Blog sobre Formación Universitaria

You must follow the vaccination routine as it is in the case of other normal babies. Flu is more likely to afflict them than other babies and a full shot will keep them immune from flu.

Apart from that, you would do well to remember that they are, generally more susceptible to viral attacks and take utmost precautions.  Hence as time goes off mothers must notice and list the things the things which are favorable for them and which are not, in order to take the extra care.

Premature babies tend to sleep shorter period of time waking up more often. They should be put to sleep on a firm bedding to prevent them tossing over. This may cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.Hence all mothers having premature babies be extra careful for your special baby.

Tips for Premature Baby Care & Premature Baby Care

Tips for Premature Baby Care & Premature Baby Care | Pregnancy Care Week by Week by Pregnancy ihub

Some babies are impatient to see the outside world that they come out unannounced. They are born well before they are due to be born and are usually very much





Tips for Premature Baby Care & Premature Baby Care
Tips for Premature Baby Care & Premature Baby Care

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