Stages Of Child Development




Childhood development involves various stages of physical and emotional changes. Emotional well being of a kid is an important aspect of childhood development. Parents play an important role in their kid’s development and emotional development is one of them.

During the early months ,a baby cannot speak and they only smile and cry. Like at 2 months of age, they express their feelings through these two gestures. In addition to this, some babies, suck their thumb to express their feeling of hunger. Slowly, by 3 months, babies start recognizing faces of other people like friends or relatives and smiles at them. By 4 months, they start laughing loudly and also start making other noises. They do so to attract others and laugh along with them.


Between 5 months to 9 months, baby starts responding to her names and is quite friendly with familiar faces. They pass smiles at them and start cooing, laughing and greeting people. Between 7 months to 9 months, they start showing negative emotions like fear, anger etc.During this period they even develop the feeling of separation anxiety.

By 12 months,babies are able to sense their mother’s feeling and express the same emotion. This is called ,social referencing. Slowly, they start expressing their own set of emotions. Gradually, babies are able to recognize people and their emotions. They respond to them and interact with kids of their age. At this stage, they are able to understand the various forms of emotions expressed by their parents and hence they can recognize whether they are being loved, scolded or avoided.

By 3 yrs of age ,they start speaking in bits and pieces. They start forming small – small sentences and are thus able to express their feelings in words. So, parents must spend quality time with their kids and interact, face to with them. This not only helps in building strong communication skills and strong vocabulary but it also helps in developing better understanding and strong relationship.

Baby’s emotional development is one of the crucial phase of their development. Therefore, this requires an attentive parenting style. Kid’s are to be assured that their needs, feelings and emotions are being taken care of .Hence, parents must spend quality time with them and develop a healthy relationship with their kids.This develops a sense of assurance and security amongst their kids.

During the first six months, babies try to settle down in this new world. All the things around them appear to be new .They communicate all their expressions and feelings through crying.So, its important for parents to understand their baby’s timings for their different daily chores. Like their feeding time, bathing time, massage time, play time etc. So, parents must know and follow the timing for all the different activities of their kids.

This helps the babies to remain calm and cool. This makes them assure that their needs are looked after and thus helps in developing in strong relationship between the care taker and the baby. During the initial few months, when babies interact through smiles, parents must also reciprocate with them in similar way.However, while doing so one must be sure that the child is enjoying this act. As soon as, the baby starts showing some signs of tiredness, negligence or is not reciprocating proportionately, stop doing it and give him some rest. Viajes y turismo


Every kid is different and carries different temperament.So; every parent must understand their kid’s temperament and deal with them accordingly. During this time, it’s also important for parents to discourage wrong tantrums in their kids. Parents should not entertain those temperaments and thus make them aware that wrong habits practiced by them, make them unhappy. Once these kids understand that their wrong habits do not fetch any attention to them, they will stop doing it in future.

Simple activities like, cooing, playing and talking face to face helps in healthy emotional development of kids. Babies besides being bundle of joy are also a bundle of emotions. Every parent experiences this turmoil of changing expressions in their babies. Their emotions keep on changing from time to time. Hence, it’s important for parents to understand and tackle these changing emotions of their kids and strike a proper balance.

Playing is an important part in every kid’s life. Age is not a bar for kid’s play. Even at the age of 2 months, babies start playing. It gives them immense happiness and a chance to learn and experiment. All these games and babies play contributes in their mental and physical development. It also helps in development of their social and motor skills .So, irrespective of age factor; one must encourage our kids to play. Parents must spend time and play with them. Parents must help their kids to form friends, take them to park or gardens etc.Provide them with age appropriate indoor games as well as outdoor games.

Kids undergoing separation anxiety needs to be handled very carefully. Separation anxiety generally happens because of two reasons. Firstly when parents starts going to their office , leaving their kid either at home with a care taker or at creche .Secondly ,separation anxiety also happens when kids starts going to play  school, leaving their parents. In either case, it’s important for parents to understand the various emotions that the kid is undergoing during this time and assure him your presence when needed. The care taker should be loving and caring. She must be aware of their baby’s emotions.

Parents must always make their kids aware of the coming situations before hand and it should be a gradual process. The care taker should be a responsible person, loving and caring. She should be able to provide emotional support to the kid. Parents must introduce the care taker to their kid and give enough time to develop understanding between them.Similarly in case of play schools; parents must take their kids to the school before the final day and try to create an interest in them. Parents as well as teachers must communicate all the good things about the school and his friend’s .The basic aim is to motivate them to go to school.

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Stages Of Child Development

Stages Of Child Development

Childhood development involves various stages of physical and emotional changes. Emotional well being of a kid is an important aspect of childhood development.





Stages Of Child Development
Stages Of Child Development

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