Infertility has become a big issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Infertility can easily give couples anxious and desperate times. It also has the potential to trigger relationship problems between the couples. It affects both male and female almost equally. The causes of infertility in men and women may be sometimes similar and at times different.
There are several causes of infertility and one of the common diagnoses in women is uterus infertility. Women with uterus infertility either find it either difficult to conceive or even if they do conceived, they end up miscarrying their babies. Since uterus infertility is quite common among American women, it is will worthwhile to discover the conditions which cause this type of infertility.
The most common condition that causes uterus infertility is fibroids or myomas. These are benign tumors containing fibrous mass of tissues which are formed in the walls of the uterus. Not all fibroids though cause infertility. A lot depends on the location of their formation. When they are located inside the uterus walls, the prospects of you getting conceived is reduced drastically.
Uterine polyps can also play spoilsport. These small vascular growths can prevent the development of fetus. Polyps occupy the space in the uterus thereby giving little room for fetal growth. Women with uterine polyps are likely to suffer from miscarriage. Health Tips
Intrauterine adhesions also known as Asherman’s syndrome is a condition wherein scar tissues are formed inside the uterus. The scars formation may be due to uterine bleeding. This condition is again another cause of uterus infertility.
Malformation of the uterus is also a cause for uterus infertility. Some of common malformations include T shaped uterus and bicornate uterus. Women with such malformed uterus find it difficult to conceive and even if they conceived the fetus will not have adequate space to grow and develop.
Again women whose endometrial are too thin or too thick are also likely to suffer from infertility.So how do you find out you have one of these conditions? A physical examination followed by an ultrasound probe will be required to correctly diagnose your uterine problems. The good news is that there are effective treatments for uterus infertility. Some of these treatments can even be performed as an out patient procedure.
Causes of Infertility in Women
Infertility has become a big issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Infertility can easily give couples anxious and desperate times. It also has the pot
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