Often enough when parents do not give into the demands of their infants, the children resort to throwing temper tantrums. These tantrums are often embarrassing in public and can put your nerves on the edge since they can be very hard to deal with.
Many a times, this leads to frustration on the part of the parents which is an ineffective way of disciplining a child. However, there are some basic steps on how to deal with temper tantrums. The first step in how to deal with temper tantrums is to keep your calm.
When children see their parents become annoyed or irritated, they feel that you no longer have the ability to control them. This will only make their behaviour worsen. Remaining calm shows that you are still in charge.
At the same time, do not laugh at your child or mimic them. This makes it look like you are ridiculing their feelings. You should remember that you can tell your child how to behave. If you try to bribe, plead or cajole the child into stopping their tantrum, they will assume that they have been successful and will repeat the behaviour.
It is best to state that you will not accept their tantrums at any cost. Once you have done this, stick to your guns. Children often need some time to cool down after throwing a tantrum and ignoring them during this time is a good idea. This way, you show them they did not have any effect on you and gained nothing from the entire exercise. Mundo Gore
This will discourage them from misbehaving the next time. If you cannot ignore them, move away from them for a few minutes. This gives you time to calm down. When figuring out how to deal with temper tantrums, always remember that giving any sort of attention to the behaviour always increases it.
Your child should not feel that this is an acceptableway of gaining attention. This is best done by turning your full attention to them after they have stopped throwing a tantrum.
After the tantrum is over, it is recommended to ask your children why they were behaving in this way and what it actually accomplished for them. This will set a basis for the child to behave and help you in dealing with temper tantrums in the future.
Ways To Stop A Temper Tantrum
Often enough when parents do not give into the demands of their infants, the children resort to throwing temper tantrums. These tantrums are often embarrassing
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