How To Prevent Backpain During Nursing




Many women get severe back pain during their nursing days. This could be due to several reasons like increase in breast size, poor positioning while breast feeding and strain on the neck and the back due to bending forward while holding the baby.

When all these things are taken care of, back pain can be removed and also prevented during motherhood. Here are certain ways to prevent as well as treat beck pain effectively while you nurse the baby.

Support Your Back

While you breast feed the baby, proper support to your back is very essential for preventing back pain. For this a good chair with a back and side support can be used. This will ensure that you get good support for your spine and back muscles and also your arms while holding the baby. If the chair does not offer you good back support, you can prop pillows at the back. A nursing pillow is also a good consideration while nursing your baby as it can help ease the strain on the arms while holding the baby and also helps you support the back while feeding.


Feeding Positions

Sitting Position

Feeding positions are important as well as the wrong posture can lead to an overstrained back and resultant pain. A clutch or football hold can be used while feeding. Place a firm pillow on the lap and cradle the baby in your arms. The neck must be supported with your arms.  Use the palm of your hand that supports the neck to snuggle your baby close to your breast. Euromillones con ChatGPT IA

The legs of your baby must be placed under the other arm while you use this arm for supporting the baby’s back. The baby’s head must be lifted up to suit your height so that you do not have to bend forward. This position will also help mothers who had a Caesarean delivery as it will reduce the strain on the wound.


Lying Position

Lying on your side while feeding the baby will allow you to rest as well and support your back and arms. It will relieve the pressure on your arms and back as you do not have to hold the baby or place the baby on your lap. This will also enable you to sleep if need be as you do not have to worry about the baby falling off from your lap.

Lie on your side and place the baby near you. You may use a small and soft cushion for lifting the baby’s head slightly to position him/her in the level of your breast or use your arm for supporting the baby’s head. Use the other arm for holding the baby’s back and keeping him/her close to your body.

Rocking Chairs and Foot Stools

Foot stools are small stools that are used for supporting the feet. Keeping the feet raised slightly will help in improving the posture and help you leave slightly backwards, giving ample support to your back. This will prevent sore and painful backs after a breast feeding session. Rocking chairs too are good options as they have arm rests to support the arms while holding the baby.

How To Prevent Backpain During Nursing

How To Prevent Backpain During Nursing

Many women get severe back pain during their nursing days. This could be due to several reasons like increase in breast size, poor positioning while breast fee





How To Prevent Backpain During Nursing
How To Prevent Backpain During Nursing

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