Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy is a very complicated process which leads lot of changes in mothers body. During pregnancy, the entire body of the women prepares to support a new life. Even though most of the pregnancies are normal there are some pregnancies which are very complicated. It can be due to some structural problems, infection, diseases, chemical exposure, medications etc. Many of the complications that develops in between the pregnancies may turn to be life threatening ones. Here are some of the common pregnancy complications.
Complications in Pregnancy
Anemia is a common complication that many of the pregnant women faces. This can be due to the lack of iron with in the body of the expected mother. During pregnancy the expected mother requires almost double the quantity of iron as iron is required to make the red blood cells for the mother and the baby. Lack of folic acid may also leads to anemia. You may feel tiredness and breathlessness due to anemia and most of the cells with in your body and in your fetus may not get sufficient oxygen for proper development and growth.
Diabetes that develop in between the pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Many women are prone to develop gestational diabetes and if it is left untreated then it may cause health problems to both the mother and baby. Sometimes the diabetes increases the risk at the time of of delivery and the baby have obesity problem later in his life. It may also leads to the death of the fetus. Tostadora de pan
Placenta Abruption
Sometimes the placenta detaches from the uterus wall prematurely and it leads to premature birth and other complications. It is commonly seen in people having high blood pressure.
Some women have bleeding during their pregnancy and it can be due to many reasons like structural problems with in the uterus, placental abruption etc.
Blood Pressure
Some women are found to have high blood pressure which in turn reduces the blood flow towards placenta. This in turn reduces supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby and thus slows down the growth of your baby.
Low Amniotic Fluid
Certain women have low amniotic fluid in their womb and this slows down the growth of your baby. It may also affect the development of your baby’s lungs. If you have low amniotic fluid in first or second trimester then it may leads to miscarriage.
There are many other complications like fibroid in uterus, pre-eclampsia, hemorrhoids etc. If you have any complications then report it your gynecologist.
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy is a very complicated process which leads lot of changes in mothers body. During pregnancy, the entire body of the women prepares to support a ne
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