After you have given birth, you can face the problem of how to remove the stretch marks from pregnancy. While it is difficult to remove the stretch marks from pregnancy entirely, there are many effective treatments, which can greatly diminish their appearance.
Tips for Removing Stretch Marks
Apply Cocoa Butter
You should apply cocoa butter during your pregnancy. Cocoa butter keeps your skin moist. This, in turn, allows your skin to remain elastic. As a result, the stretch marks that are formed will not be too severe. All you have to do is massage the cocoa butter over your stretch marks from pregnancy.
Apply Vitamin Oil
You can apply vitamin oil on your stomach after your baby has been born. Vitamin E is known to help in the reduction of scars. The stretch marks are scars that are caused when your skin rapidly expands during pregnancy. Vitamin E is particularly effective if you apply it after you had a warm shower. It works very well when your body is damp.
Use Aloe Vera Gel
An effective way by which you can remove the stretch marks from pregnancy is by using Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera contains natural healing properties. When you use Aloe Vera gel, you will be able to heal your skin very well. You should use Aloe Vera gel, which is free from dyes and fragrances. If the Aloe Vera gel contains some added components, then it could have a corrosive effect on your skin.
Avoid Exposure to Sun
You must avoid exposure to the sun if you want to get rid off your stretch marks from pregnancy. Like most scars, your stretch marks from pregnancy will become a lot more noticeable if they are exposed to the sun’s rays during the process of healing. You should try not exposing your stomach to sunlight or other radiations for at least six months to about one year after you have given birth to your child. If you wish to expose your stomach to sun then make sure that, you apply a heavy layer of sunscreen. Also, make sure that you keep reapplying the sunscreen from time to time.
Follow a Healthy Diet
If you follow a balanced and healthy diet, then you will be able to successfully remove your stretch marks from pregnancy. You should ensure that you consume food items which are rich in vitamins E, A and C as well as zinc. Foods that are rich in such items can help your skin to maintain its natural elasticity as well as its firmness. In addition to following a healthy diet, you should keep your body as well as your skin hydrated at all times by drinking plenty of water.
Exercise on a Regular Basis
An easy way by which you can remove your stretch marks from pregnancy is exercising regularly. When you exercise regularly, it will help to tone your muscles and this could reduce the stretch marks from pregnancy. Exercising could also help you with weight management and weight loss. You should maintain a healthy weight for preventing and removing stretch marks from pregnancy. This is because rapid gain in weight is one of the crucial causes for the formation of stretch marks from pregnancy. Todo para pelo rizado
Try Exfoliating
When you exfoliate your skin, you will be able to remove your stretch marks from pregnancy. You can use a loofah for softly scrubbing your skin while taking a bath. This will promote circulation. When you scrub over your existing stretch marks from pregnancy, the scrubbing will also decrease dead skin, which exists over these marks. As a result, the appearance of the stretch marks from pregnancy will be much minimized.
Use over the Counter Creams
You can try eliminating the stretch marks from pregnancy by using over the counter creams. A very good over the counter cream, which you can use for the removal of your stretch marks from pregnancy is Strivectin SD. However, as the stretch marks usually occur in the dermis of your skin, the over the counter products are not effective in removing these stretch marks. You should also educate yourself before you use over the counter creams for reducing your stretch marks. The results of these products have not been thoroughly proven and they are very expensive as well.
Use Prescription Creams
You could opt for prescription creams like Retin-A for removing your stretch marks from pregnancy. This is a very effective cream as far as stretch marks are concerned. It is especially effective when the stretch marks from pregnancy are between one and two years old. You should not use the Retin-A cream, when you are still pregnant or when you are breastfeeding. It is unlikely that your medical insurance will cover the cost of Retin-A cream as it is used primarily for cosmetic purposes.
Opt for Laser Surgery
If over the counter drugs or prescription creams do not help you to remove your stretch marks from pregnancy you could opt for surgical methods. Laser surgeries are known to improve stretch marks that are white in color. The cosmetic laser treatments are very expensive and are not generally covered by the health insurance companies. Some of the well-known options are laser therapy using pulsed dyes and fractional photothermolysis.
The first treatment uses a non-ablative light for rejuvenating the dermis and encouraging collagen and elastin growth. The second method uses light wavelengths for encouraging the growth of collagen as well as elastin. Both these methods work very well on the new and dark stretch marks from pregnancy. However, these therapies can also be conducted on older stretch marks from pregnancy.
You can choose between various ways to remove your stretch marks from pregnancy. If you follow these methods for removing your stretch marks, then your stretch marks from pregnancy are going to disappear in absolutely no time at all. Consequently, the area around your stomach will begin to look much better and you will not have to face continuous embarrassment because of the stretch marks.
How To Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks
After you have given birth, you can face the problem of how to remove the stretch marks from pregnancy. While it is difficult to remove the stretch marks from
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