How To Build Self Esteem In Children




Children who are often affected by such problem can often be overlooked and misinterpreted oftentimes as just their childish behavior. Who would want to see any of their children to suffer from lack of self confidence and self esteem?

There are however, instances that parents fail to acknowledge that oftentimes they are the primary cause for such problem and it’s only them which can provide solution to such condition in their child.

Self esteem in children is practically vital especially during their early stage of development, as psychologists compare the child’s mind as a blank sheet of a paper or a canvass.

It is uncorrupted and tainted by the filth and unnecessary paintings; it is known to be vulnerable to all the realities to which it is being exposed Each child has the God-given right to have the best start in life and their level of self confidence will help them determine what they are going to be someday.


Shyness in children has often been misconstrued as low self-esteem by some parents; however such behavior can detrimentally affect the child’s development. Such attitude can later on become a sign of child’s fright while interacting with their peers, once your child begins to isolate himself/herself from human interaction and contact.

It should very well be considered by you, as parents, to be a symptom or a sign of low self-esteem, which if not given proper care and treated right away will lead to certain problems in your child’s adulthood stage. Todo sobre animales

Self esteem in children can still be inculcated in their minds once you will know the symptoms, which will eventually compel you to seek professional help while they are still young. Symptoms of lack of self esteem are as follows:

Not responding when you call out his/her name, spends most of his/her time playing alone, refuses to go to school, often becomes aggressive towards other children of the same age or his/her siblings, dislikes attention and doesn’t like participating in certain activities, dismisses occasions and events that some of his/her peers may be so much excited about, blame others when something eventually goes wrong and can’t cope failure or when something bad happens, unable to participate in class recitations and having difficulties on stressing his/her points in class, dependent on his/her parents and can’t function well by himself/herself, express fear or cries whenever faced with a new situation in life, describes himself/herself negatively and uses harmful words often and gives up easily and rightly assumes that he/she cannot do what he/she has been assigned to do or expresses himself/herself that he/she is not capable of doing it.


These are among the many symptoms that you may notice in a child who lacks self-esteem and confidence, and if you found out that your child have such symptoms as well. It would be best to seek some professional help right away.

How To Build Self Esteem In Children

How To Build Self Esteem In Children

Children who are often affected by such problem can often be overlooked and misinterpreted oftentimes as just their childish behavior. Who would want to see an





How To Build Self Esteem In Children
How To Build Self Esteem In Children

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