Most Beautiful Deserts in World




Some magnificent deserts to visit

Every traveler has a love for certain things. Be it the oceans, mountains, tropical rain forest or deserts, everyone has his own calling. There are some fantastic deserts in this world that will simply mesmerize you with their vastness and beauty. Three of the most beautiful desert destinations that you can visit are:

Sahara desert: The Sahara desert is by far the biggest desert in the whole world, and has the opulence to match the glory that comes with the tag. The vast sea of aridness that best describes the Sahara stretches for 3,000 miles from east to west and about 1000 miles from north to south. The place has varied topography that offers oases, basins, mountains, sand dunes and everything else that you can hope to see in a desert. The Sahara carries the sands of time that marks the epic journey of the human race. This great desert is truly one of the biggest natural marvels in the world and is definitely worth a visit.


Mojave Desert: The Mojave Desert is perhaps the best known among all the others that constitute the North American desert. This  great desert covers a whopping twenty five thousand square miles of barren land spotted with gravel mounds, basins, salt flats etc. The biggest attraction in the Mojave desert has to be the man made City of Las Vegas, which is also known as the gambling capital of the world. Fanfics en Español

The highlands of Tibet: Also known as the roof of the world, the Tibetan plateau challenges the definition of a desert and stands on its own. Located 15,000 feet above the sea level, this desert gives the traveler the serenity that everyone desires in life. The proud Tibetan people epitomize the soul of the land and reflect its elegance.

So, plan your tour schedule to visit these magnificent deserts. You will surely be awestruck with what these places have to offer.

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    Most Beautiful Deserts in World

    Most Beautiful Deserts in World

    Every traveler has a love for certain things. Be it the oceans, mountains, tropical rain forest or deserts, everyone has his own calling. There are some fantas





    Most Beautiful Deserts in World
    Most Beautiful Deserts in World

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