Most children are not really able to conduct a proper telephone conversation until they are about four years old. In order to spare callers confusion or frustration, you should discourage your toddler from picking up the phone when it rings. Later, when he is ready to answer calls, some rehearsal is probably very important in order to make it perfect. Practice with a toy phone or with a unit disconnected from the wall and establish a formula for what you want him to say.
Emphasize the need for him to speak loudly enough to be heard and to response to yes and no questions verbally rather than with nods and facial expressions.Your child may also need to be taught to avoid conversing with other people in the room while he is on the phone. This will lead to a sure source of confusion for the person on the other end of the line and to explain to the caller what he is planning to do before putting down the phone and running off to find mummy.
Your four years old is perfectly capable of remembering simple message .But sadly it is likely that he will forget to convey the message to you.The underlying point in teaching good behavior is to get across the idea that other people’s feelings are important. The practice of sending thank you notes to others over phone for gifts or special favors brings the lesson home even for children who are too young to write. Keep on hand a supply of blank postcards for your youngster and buy some stickers so he can personalize them.
For the every thanks said by him you can keep a record on the postcard and put a stamp over it. Buy the age of five he will probably be able to dictate the thank you message for you to write out, and then he can print his name at the bottom. But even three year old may- with a little prompting- be able to tell you the things he would like the note to say.
Tips For Teaching Your Child Phone Etiquette & Teach children phone courtesy | Pregnancy Care Week by Week by Pregnancy ihub
Most children are not really able to conduct a proper telephone conversation until they are about four years old. In order to spare callers confusion or frustr
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