Useful Information On The Auto Train




Auto Train is a specialized railway service, which runs between the regions of Lorton, in Virginia and Sanford, in Florida. The specialty of this train service is that passengers get to carry their motorcycles, cars and jet skis, boats and trailers with them to destinations in Florida.

The service is a one way trip that takes around seventeen and half hours to complete. It starts at 4 pm from Lorton and reaches Florida the next morning at 9.29. Here some useful information on the auto train.

Vehicle Requirements for Availing the Train Services

All kinds of medium to light weight vehicles (including boats and trailers) are accepted by the train service. There are certain specifications regarding the vehicles that are accepted and they include the need for the automobiles to maintain at least four inches gap above the ground.


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Vehicles taller than sixty five inches have to book a separate oversized space. Automobiles that are more than 89 inches are altogether refused for registration into the train service. Two-wheelers must fulfill the criterion of clearing a minimum of 5 inches from the ground and should not be taller than 57.5 inches.

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Onboard Services

The base fare includes dinner and also a continental breakfast for the next morning. Dinner includes wine and freshly prepared vegetables. You can also avail a separate kid’s meal. Passengers are given luxurious seating accommodation. For an extra charge they can avail sleeping accommodations too. Phasmophobia Game - Todo sobre el juego Phasmophobia

You can also enjoy a movie in the lounge of the train during your journey. Refreshments and snacks are available at extra costs. Passengers enjoy free and unlimited access to a coffee and tea machine. Kids get to enjoy cookies and chocolates too at the snacks bar during their fun ride.

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The cars of the train are Double Decker’s. Passengers reach the upper level of the rail car via stairs. It contains the major portion of the seating area. The lower deck is reserved for the elderly and handicapped. Bathrooms are large and spacious and can be used for changing or attending to infants.

Boarding Procedure

Passengers have to check in at least two hours before the departure time of the auto train. This is because they have to register their vehicles and load the cars on the train. A number is given to the car and you will have to hand it over to the concerned official.

All kinds of luggage except the overnight bag remains in the car and you can again access them at your destination station. Passengers can carry a maximum of two bags with them. At the waiting room you will also get to choose a dinner time from the three options available.

At the destination station, cars get unloaded after all passengers have departed from the train. As the vehicles get unloaded, an attendee calls out the number of the vehicle and you show your token to access the car.

There is a toll free number available from where you can avail further information on the Auto Train service.

Useful Information On The Auto Train

Useful Information On The Auto Train

Auto Train is a specialized railway service, which runs between the regions of Lorton, in Virginia and Sanford, in Florida. The specialty of this train service





Useful Information On The Auto Train
Useful Information On The Auto Train

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