Traveler's Guide to Argentine & Tourist Attractions




Argentina is fast becoming a major tourist destination for all North Americans and people from overseas. Located in the southernmost part of South America, it is a well developed country with a population of 40 millions.

The major reason of popularity of Argentina as a vacation spot lies in the fact that it is very economical to visit it. This nation has an amazing natural beauty. All this makes Argentina a hot favorite for a vacation.

The capital of the country, Buenos Aires is well connected from all the major cities of the world. Argentina has a good number of luxury hotels to stay in. Jardin Escondido is one of the most famous boutique hotels in Argentina.

Alvear Palace Hotel is another great place to stay in. It has deluxe rococo-style guest rooms. With a good amount of art work displayed in the hotel, you will also love to use the antique furnishings at the hotel.


Park Hyatt and Faena hotel are some of the other luxury hotels in Buenos Aires. Lower budget hotels are also easily available in Buenos Aires.

Argentina’s local language is Spanish; therefore it is advisable that you learn a bit of Spanish before venturing into this country. Also if you could learn a bit of the local culture then it will be useful.

The local currency here is called Pesos. Get your money converted into Pesos. It will be very useful as you might find it difficult once you land up in Argentina, moreover there will be service charges which can make it expensive for you. Blog quiniela

One of the top spots to visit Argentina is its capital, Buenos Aires. It is a culturally rich city. You can sense the best of latin culture in the city. Buenos Aires is famous for its boulevards and rich architecture. The city has also a plenty to offer in terms of food, night life and its great culture.

El Calafate andPerito Moreno are other top attractions of Argentina, they take you back to the ice age. The glacier is a natural scenic beauty. You will love to bring back sites and scenery of the place into your memory again and again.

Iguazu Falls is another top attraction for the visitors. You will feel great to see this amazing natural beauty. Other top attractions of Argentina are the Valdez peninsula and Quebrada de Humahuaca.

The later one is a deep valley. Also worth a visit is the seven lake region. This region has a wonderful natural beauty. You can also do a number of activities here like hiking, camping and hunting.So visit this lovely country. It will not cost you much as it is economical.


Traveler's Guide to Argentine & Tourist Attractions

Argentina is fast becoming a major tourist destination for all North Americans and people from overseas. Located in the southernmost part of South America, it






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