Garden Tours All Over The World




If you love Mother Nature and anything green (I mean plants), then this article is for you! More often than not, we tend to a travel to a foreign destination in order to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing holiday, only to realise that staying at home would have been a much better option when compared to handling the crowds that we tend to meet everywhere we go.

And indeed so, almost all foreign destinations would attract plenty of locals and tourists alike, all of whom would most probably throng the local attactions and sites, making it extremely difficult for you to enjoy some quality time with your loved ones. If you are stuck in such a situation, then there is no need to feel disheartened.


For there are some certain areas in these crowded destinations that would enable you to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and still enjoy the holiday with your family; and Mother Nature. And these so called ‘special places’ are called Gardens.

Listed here are some of the most beautiful and tranquil gardens in the entire world. From offering nature walks and picnics, to plenty of other family friendly activities, these parks are nothing short of paradises that need to be seen in order to be believed!

Bagh –e-Fin

Situated in Iran, the Bagh –e- Fin Garden dates back to the year 1590 and is touted to be the oldest garden in the entire country. Taking its traditional design from the Holy Koran, the garden contains among other great water designs, a pair of crossed water rills which symbolise the two rivers that cross the land.

Housing plenty of beautiful flora and ancient buildings (from the Qajar, Safavid and Zandiyeh periods) that have in turn been beautifully decorated, the garden is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the perfect place to spend a lazy afternoon with your family.

Bagh –e – Golshan

Also situated in Iran, the Bagh-e-Golshan is also touted to be a paradise on earth and is considered one of the most beautiful gardens in the entire world. Founded in 1863, the garden is located smack in the middle of two massive salt desserts and was formerly used as a recreational area for the late king, Mirza Ali Mohamed Khan Qavam. The garden houses a military museum in addition to a wondrous structure that has been built following the Qajar and Achaemenian architectural styles.

Donnell Gardens

Located in the Sonoma Valley of Califronia, USA; the Donnell Gardens are sometimes referred to as EI Novirello. Formerly housing the cellars of the Madrid Regional Service of Health’s Old Building, the garden was renovated completely, using only recycled materials. Looking at the garden from up above, you will be amazed and intrigued to find that it resembles a large graffiti, complete with well manicured gardens, concrete paths and picturesque settings.


Dumbarton Oaks

Also located in the USA, the Dumbarton Oaks Garden is one of the most historical landmarks in the entire country. Situated in Georgetown, the garden covers an area of 10 acres and is simply beautiful to behold.

The historical works present in Dumbarton Oaks signify the involvement of several landscape architects from the 19th and 20th centuries. However, what’s interesting to note is that the so called ‘hybrid’ garden and its architectural works have been influenced by more than one civilization (most popularly by English, Italian and French traditions). - Programas de TV, Series, Guía de episodios.

And indeed, if you walk through the park, you can find plenty of examples to reinstate this fact. These include the Lover’s Lane Pool garden theater that has been designed keeping an ancient Roman open –air theater in mind; Italian wrought iron gates that contain black tulips engraved into the massive doors (also called the ‘Clairvoyer Gates’); and the ‘French stairs’.

Huntington Library Cactus Garden

What’s so interesting about cactuses you may ask? After all, they are plain, bland and contain nothing but plenty of stinging needles to scare you off.

However, if you decide to visit this extraordinary garden in San Marino, California, you would be amazed to note that the 10 acre park houses over two dozens of cacti and other succulents that have thrived over 100 years.

There are more than 5000 different species of desert plants and other succulents at the Huntington Library Cactus Garden, complete with labels that describe their name and origin. And in addition to viewing these marvellous creations of Mother Nature, you can get a close glimpse of how these rare plants fend for themselves under harsh conditions (drought, heat etc.) and chase away possible predators.

Ji Chang Yuan

A 16th century garden, the Ji Chang Yaun Garden is also called the Garden of Ecstacy and is situated in China. Filled with plenty of artificial attractions and spell binding illusions, the garden is a must visit landmark if you happen to be passing by.

Although the garden was destroyed completely in 1860, it was reconstucted again within the boundaries of the much larger Xihui Park, using the concept of ‘borrowed landscape’ to look bigger than it actually is.

While here, don’t miss out on the chance to visit some really facinating attractions. These include the Dragon Light pagoda (also called ‘Longguang’), The Stream of the Octaves (emits a magical bubbling sound); and the picturesque roofed walk (called ‘lang’).

Kirstenbosch Garden

Located in Africa, this beautiful garden dates back to 1913 when the park was opened by English Botanists to commemorate the abundant plant life that can be found all around South Africa. Offering spectacular views of the Cape Town Mountains, the garden is filled with plenty of picturesque walks.

Come summer and the entire garden transforms into a carnival of sorts, with plenty of outdoor concerts organised during the nights. The park is also a wonderful recreational facility for families who throng the place on Sundays for picnics and other fun activities.

The Kirstenbosch garden houses over 5000 different spieces of plants (only a few compared to the 20,000 spieces of plant life found all over the continent) which are arranged in amazing arrays of colors all over the place.

Garden Tours All Over The World

Garden Tours All Over The World

If you love Mother Nature and anything green (I mean plants), then this article is for you! More often than not, we tend to a travel to a foreign destination i





Garden Tours All Over The World
Garden Tours All Over The World

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