The Arctic Holiday Tours




Contemplate the idea of enjoying spectacular wilderness with temperature as low as -40 degree Celsius to benumb your senses and the precipitation in the form of snow to give you the company… Yes, all your wild guesses are right.

We are talking about the northern-most region of Earth-The Arctic. Ecotourism at such a sui generis place will sweep you off our feet and let you have the glimpse of the rare flora and fauna.

Elements of Ecotourism in Arctic

The Arctic ecosystem comprises of diverse varieties of mammals, birds, aquatic animals, plants, and other natural resources. The temperature may be extreme in this ice-laden continent, but it is favorable enough for supporting life. Let’s see what your ecotourism to Arctic can give you in terms of wildlife and adventure:


Browse the Tundra

Flora at Arctic is able to withstand extremely cold conditions. In its short summer period, when temperature raises to 0 degrees, a plentitude of small herbs, shrubs, lichens, mosses start enveloping the Tundra region. You will see shrubs growing as tall as 6 feet. While the Arctic is almost barren in its ‘chill to the bone’ regions, you will be able to some greenery in its relatively warm areas.

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Another interesting fact about Arctic vegetation is that the plants can stop growing during coolest months and resume their growth even after lying under the sheets of ice for a prolonged period. Depending upon the months of the year you tour to Arctic, you will see it virtually draped under snow or will be lucky to have the glimpse of abundant shrubs and vascular plants.

Animal Spectacle:

Arctic ecotourism lets you descry wild animals patrolling in their respective habitats. While some of these live around marine areas, the others live permanently over land. The mammals that you come across while turning Arctic are:

Polar Bear:

You will be able to have the glimpse of this majestic predator of the Arctic mostly near icy cool waters. You may find them hunting on their favorite prey i.e. seals or resting within their dens.

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These 1000-pound animals rarely inhabit land as most of the time they are searching for the seal-holes. Their ability to swim freely in frigid waters helps them in catching their prey. Catch these fearless animals onto your camera reel and cherish the memories forever.

Arctic Fox:

Another pristine animal that is known for its perfect adaptation to the spine-chilling climate of the place is Arctic Fox. They are covered from head to toe with white fur; this helps them in camouflaging and protects them from being the prey of other animals.

They feed on owls, lemmings, and carrion. As you will see, these foxes make burrows below ice for living and accumulating food. They live with families and their young ones are reared in dens.


While ecotouring the place, another animal that will catch your fancy is Reindeer. Considered as one of the important animals for the inhabitants, they use it for a multitude of their necessities like clothing, food, and transport.

This domesticated beast plays an important role in economy of the Arctic. They are reared for fur and meat also. Look for the beautiful antlers that these animals have. Pescados, mariscos, conservas y todo sobre el mar


Brown Bears:

These unique species can be seen preying at night. In order to avoid the cold winds of Arctic, they live in caves and hollow logs. Their fur shade is variable and you will find them with black and cream colors.

Known for hibernation during winters, brown bears feed on squirrels, vegetation, and carrion.

Other Fauna:

Lemmings are among the other fauna that are found in abundance. These mouse-looking creatures mostly inhabit tundra region; like other animals, these also change their fur color. Wolverines are known for their ability to kill preys much larger than itself. Other animals that are the part of Arctic’s wilderness include Muskox, Arctic wolf, ground squirrels, and emines.

Marine Treat:

That’s not all! A large chunk of Arctic Fauna lives in frigid waters; you will easily distinguish the huge, clumsy walruses that are identified by their long protruding tusks. These dive deep down the water and feed on clams. Seals are also excellent swimmers who are noticed for their unique backward pointing toes.

Baleen whales, belugas, orcas, sea otters are some of the other marine species that survive too well under water. You can also hope to see Green sharks, Arctic Cisco, Dolly Varden, and Arctic Grayling.


Laysan Albatross, the largest flying bird, can be seen all times of the year. You will see many of them taking a nap over water. Other birds include Ptarmigan, Snowy Owl, Bald Eagle, and Peregrine Falcon.

A Den of Natural Resources:

Arctic is a reservoir of many natural resources like nickel, gold, copper, diamond, tungsten, and uranium. As this place of fragile beauty is severely prone to get disrupted by human interference, conversationalists are trying hard to preserve this virgin land; Mineral exploitation by humans is prohibited here as it can pose a major threat to the biodiversity of the place.

Ethnic Cultures:

The chief groups that dwell in Arctic region comprise of Lapps, Tungus, Eskimos, and Samoyedes. These people have been living in complete isolation with the rest of the world for centuries; but they understand the importance of biodiversity that is the base of their survival in such a place. Try to explore their ethnic ways of living, culture, clothing, and eating habits.

Adventure at its Best:

There are a couple of activities that you are worth enjoying; the adventure sports at Arctic include kayaking, caving, river-rafting, diving, snorkeling, horse riding, and ice climbing. Spend time on boat trips or just go for whale watching. Diving is also a good idea to make most out of your ecotour.

In order to explore the true beauty of this pristine place, be the part of sea expeditions and get the chance of exploring the lovely wild life; see how both the inhabitants as well as beasts have learned to adapt themselves to the harsh climatic conditions.

Arctic may not be at the top of your priority list of places to go, but whenever you get this lifetime opportunity, just grab it and make most out of it.

The Arctic Holiday Tours

The Arctic Holiday Tours

Contemplate the idea of enjoying spectacular wilderness with temperature as low as -40 degree Celsius to benumb your senses and the precipitation in the form o





The Arctic Holiday Tours
The Arctic Holiday Tours

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