Taking Care Of Teething Babies




Teething is a painful time for both the baby and parents. Babies feel very uncomfortable and disturbed at the time of teething. Parents feel very bad when they see their child disturbed. Babies become very fussy when they start taking out teeth.

The baby may not feed in a proper manner and create lot of fuss while feeding at the time of teething. Also the baby may suffer from extreme diaper rash. Diarrhea is one of the common problems that is faced by most of the babies during the teething phase. Parents should take all effectual measures to take care of their babies during the teething process.


The irritation and itching in the gums may start well before the appearance of the teeth. By placing your finger on the gums, you may judge whether the child is teething or not. In most of the children, the front teeth come first after around five to six months of birth. So, teething care should start around fifth or sixth month of baby’s birth.

A very good remedy to deal with teething pain is to distract the attention of the baby from the pain in gums. There are a variety of things available in the market these days to provide soothing to the gums of babies. A cool teething ring can be of great help in the teething phase. Parents should make certain to keep the gums of the baby clean with a soft baby toothbrush that is available in the market. Chistes cortos

There are certain homeopathic medicines that are available these days to provide relief to the baby from pressure of swollen gums. These medicines can be used to facilitate the process of teething.

Feeding the baby with bottle when the baby is about to sleep should be avoided. Remains of milk may be left behind in the mouth, which may cause irritation and itching, thus making it difficult for the baby to bear the pain of teething.

In case of extreme pain, it is advised to seek the advice of the pediatrician, who may recommend some pain relieving medicine. So, by taking care of the time of teething process and following some preventive measures, the teething phase of the babies can be made less painful.

Taking Care Of Teething Babies

Taking Care Of Teething Babies

Teething is a painful time for both the baby and parents. Babies feel very uncomfortable and disturbed at the time of teething. Parents feel very bad when they






Taking Care Of Teething Babies
Taking Care Of Teething Babies

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