How to Choose Diapers




Handling new born babies is a challenging and learning experience for the parents especially in case of first time parents. During this period, babies dirty their diapers very frequently and hence need to be attended all the time.

Today market is flooded with variety of diapers and choosing the quality and type of diaper is wholly parent’s decision as per their perception.

There are few points which the parents must take into consideration while choosing a diaper as well as while changing the diaper.

When selecting the diaper, parents must take into account the quality of the diaper. Kids have a very sensitive skin and hence the diaper should be very soft so that it does not cause any rashes to kid’s skin.


In addition, kids urinate very frequently.So; diaper should have the ability to hold urine of the baby in order to avoid leaking and overflowing on beds etc.Diaper size should always be according the age of the baby, neither big nor too small. Either of the wrong size ,will make the baby uncomfortable.

While changing diapers, parents must keep all the essential things handy and within reach during this period .The area the either the changing table or bed, should be clean. Spread a clean water sheet onto the area and place the baby slowly on his back. Now hold both the legs of the baby slowly a bit above the normal position and remove the diaper. Pronunciacion de canciones

In case of bowel movement, clean the bottom area of the baby with a wet soft cloth or wet cotton or wipes very carefully .In case of girls the direction of wiping their bottom should be from inside to outside in order to avoid urinary tract infection (UTI).In winters or in case of cold regions, water should be lukewarm such that the baby is not suffer burn.

Using antiseptics in water is always a better option for cleaning purposes as it reduces the probability of infections. In order to avoid rashes, parents must apply rash cream and should change diapers frequently. Diapers should be avoided for 24*7 days so that their skin can breathe and be free from rashes.

In case of cloth diaper, it must be of cotton fabric as cotton is the most skin friendly fabric. Extra care must be taken while washing them so that they are clean .Disinfecting with antiseptics is also very essential to avoid any infections to babies.

How to Choose Diapers

How to Choose Diapers

Handling new born babies is a challenging and learning experience for the parents especially in case of first time parents. During this period, babies dirty th





How to Choose Diapers
How to Choose Diapers

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