How to Handle An Unplanned Pregnancy & Tips for Coping With An Unplanned Pregnancy | Pregnancy Care Week by Week by Pregnancy ihub




Pregnancy is a wonderful experience in every woman’s life. Along with joy and pleasure it brings along responsibility. So, every parent should be mentally, physically and financially sound to take care of the needs of their baby. Therefore, pregnancy should be planned and a well thought decision .

However, sometimes in spite of taking precautions, birth control methods fails and a woman becomes pregnant. Such situation is called unplanned pregnancy.

Unplanned pregnancy leaves a women in a state of shock, guilt, anxiety, fear and confusion .Generally she is left with three choices to handle the situation -


To have the baby and give it for adoption

Have the baby and raise him/her

Terminate pregnancy

Either of the decision is not easy for her because each of these decisions has its own advantages and disadvantages.So, its important for women with unplanned pregnancy to understand each of these choices in detail and then take a decision about her pregnancy.

Women who opt to deliver her baby and then intend for adoption after her birth, should prepare her to be mentally strong enough to part from her baby after her birth. Because when a mom carries a baby in her womb for 9 months, a strong emotional bond is developed between the two.Therefore, parting becomes very difficult and on the other hand adoption is not reversible. Noticias del cadiz

Abortion is a very difficult decision for every woman. Women, who opt for this, should have the valid reason to terminate her pregnancy. Such women should also consult a gynecologist before taking a decision because they are the ones who can guide about the pros and cons of abortion as well as about other related health issues with unplanned pregnancy. Terminating a pregnancy is a major decision and should not be treated as a means of contraception. Therefore, no women should take it lightly.


Sometimes a woman is unmarried and in such cases, situation becomes all the more complex.So, pregnant women should openly communicate with their boy friend about their marriage and pregnancy and then take a joint decision.

Pregnancy involves lot of physical changes and it’s the women who have to undergo all these.Therefore, it’s important to take a decision which is best for her. Unplanned pregnancy should never be left unattended.Instead, along with the husband or boyfriend; doctors too should be consulted before coming to any conclusion.

How to Handle An Unplanned Pregnancy & Tips for Coping With An Unplanned Pregnancy

How to Handle An Unplanned Pregnancy & Tips for Coping With An Unplanned Pregnancy | Pregnancy Care Week by Week by Pregnancy ihub

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience in every woman’s life. Along with joy and pleasure it brings along responsibility. So, every parent should be mentally, p





How to Handle An Unplanned Pregnancy & Tips for Coping With An Unplanned Pregnancy
How to Handle An Unplanned Pregnancy & Tips for Coping With An Unplanned Pregnancy

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