How To Take Care Of Yourself During Pregnancy




Pregnancy is the time for many changes, be it physical, emotional or in your overall lifestyle. You will need to keep in mind the safety and comfort of both your baby and yourself, before you do anything.

Your clothing needs to be comfortable and well fitted.Tight clothing and ill fitted shoes and socks will constrict the blood flow  to your ankles and causes swelling and discomfort in your legs and ankles.

Also, some doctors claim that when you are pregnant the centre of gravity changes and you may trip and fall in case you wear heels. Do not skip any meals, especially breakfast, since it will make you dizzy and weak.

If you do not have time to have an elaborate meal, opt for quick bites like biscuits, toast or fruits. Before you decide to miss a meal, remember that even your baby will be going without food.


Keep yourself hydrated and include loads of juices and smoothies in your diet. Remember not to drink too much water before travelling because you may need to take lot pee breaks.If you travel with a filled bladder you will not only be uncomfortable, but also may end up with bladder and kidney infections.

One of the common accompaniments with pregnancy is morning sickness and nausea and there is no escape from it.Some pregnant woman make a mistake of not eating, just to prevent upset stomach. Todo sobre videojuegos

Instead of opting for this extreme step reduce your meal portions and increase the  number of meals in a day. Also, snack on crackers, saltines, nuts or any other nutrition filled snacks that will help calm your stomach.

While travelling, take ample breaks and try not to sit for a long time. You can perform simple stretches or small walks just to keep the blood flowing to your ankles and not cause any swelling.

There are many women who have felt dizzy and weak by standing for a long time, because the longer you stand the blood flow to your fet will increase putting you at risk for serious falls. If you are unable to stop and get ot, so simple ankle rotation exercises or wriggle your toes .

It is not necessary to stop driving during pregnancy, but you have to take proper precautions while driving.Do not drive if you are exhausted or not had good sleep. You can always carpool or hire a cab if you want to drive someplace.

How To Take Care Of Yourself During Pregnancy

How To Take Care Of Yourself During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time for many changes, be it physical, emotional or in your overall lifestyle. You will need to keep in mind the safety and comfort of both yo





How To Take Care Of Yourself During Pregnancy
How To Take Care Of Yourself During Pregnancy

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