Language Development in Toddlers




The development of language and speech in children in a very complex process, but it seems rather simple to us. Language is the combination if symbols, expressions, words, writing and also using signs. Speech is a form of communication which uses speech. Both of these are best learned from parents and other people around the baby.

Language and speech is important, since it helps the parent understand and communicate with the baby better. It helps you pay attention to the baby’s needs and also give them what they want. It is very fascinating for the parent, as they can read and understand the personality of your baby and explore new avenues and adventures with them. This is when you will really be able to interact and have fun with your baby.


Initially, the parent pays attention to the sounds that the baby makes and responds to them. Soon, the baby is listening to the parent and trying to imitate sounds. This is how they pick up sounds and start to slowly strings together syllables to form words, both real and incoherent. Slowly, they will start to form words.

As a parent, pay close attention to what your baby is saying. If he saying it incorrectly, do not repeat the mistake, or poke fun at him. Instead, say the word again and again to him slowly and you will see he will get it right soon. This is how your baby will learn and also be more confident in picking up new words. If you make fun of, or criticize your child he will be more apprehensive and will be hesitant to say new words. He may also stop trying to form words. Blog sobre salud

Once the baby is able to say a few words on his own, he will slowly start to put together two words together and then start to make simple sentences, more like a telegraphic code. Talk to him over and over. This will require patience, but it will pay off. You will not need to do this once the child has started to pick up faster.

You will notice what the child will talk about most is related to emotions. It is what they can feel and experience most readily. Their talk will also revolve around what their world comprises of – their parents and friends, their toys and books. Expose them to new stimuli and they will be enriched in experience and speech.

Language Development in Toddlers

Language Development in Toddlers

The development of language and speech in children in a very complex process, but it seems rather simple to us. Language is the combination if symbols, express





Language Development in Toddlers
Language Development in Toddlers

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