Packing Bags With Essential Travel Items




Traveling is always fun but who ever packs your bags know how difficult it is to remember all the important items that needs to get in your bag before you set out for vacation.

Who in your family packs? Is it you or your spouse/parents? Here’s a checklist that you might want to remind them or yourself to make travel easy. Here’s a list of essential travel items that needs to be taken care of.

Guide Book

A guide book is a must especially if you’re traveling to a new or a non-English speaking country. It lets you know about the places to visit, things to do and most importantly helps you to never get lost in a foreign place. It is always advisable to take translation dictionary for basic help like to call out for help, how to call the waiter and order your food and much more.


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Important Medicines

You know in amidst of packing other things most people forget to pack their daily medicines. If your kids traveling with you make sure you pack their medicines in case of flu or cold. Keep it in a transparent pouch so that it is screened with no fuss. Make sure to carry band aids for emergency.

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Power Plug

This is the most common problem that one face. Many countries have different power points which make it impossible to plug in laptop chargers an phone chargers. Therefore it is a smart travel item to pack so that you aren’t deprived of your gadgets like camcorders and iPods. ¿QUÉ SARTÉN COMPRAR? Comparativa, precios y análisis de LAS MEJORES SARTENES

Carry Plastic zip Locks

Zip locks are very helpful travel item. You can carry food, medicines, keep knick knacks and go out to explore the city. It is particularly great if your kids are traveling with you. Pack sandwiches or biscuits for them or maybe chocolates in case they start to whine and get restless.


While traveling, you unconsciously come in contact to dirty things like holding the railing while climbing up or down the stairs or hold the handle in the bud or trains. Carry a sanitizer for you and your kids before you eat out in restaurant.


Useful Baby Wipes or Wet Tissues

These are helpful piece of tissues which can be used to wipe hands and face. Use to clean your baby’s hands after he/she played in the park. Wipe it after a short snack while walking the city. It is extremely important if one of you have cold.

Keep Your Tickets and Passports in Place

Make sure your travel itinerary has no goof ups. Check your tickets. Call the airline to confirm the departure time before you set out for the airport. Passports, hotel booking vouchers and tickets should be kept in one place preferably in your laptop bag.

Xerox all the documents and keep it another bag. Have it in your e-mail so that in case an emergency arises like lost baggage you can print the voucher and carry on with your travel.

Other essential items are makeup kits, shaving kit for men, enough clothes and a good pair of shoes and you are set to go!

Packing Bags With Essential Travel Items

Packing Bags With Essential Travel Items

Traveling is always fun but who ever packs your bags know how difficult it is to remember all the important items that needs to get in your bag before you set





Packing Bags With Essential Travel Items
Packing Bags With Essential Travel Items

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