Things to Do in Quebec City




Quebec is one of the most beautiful places in Canada. The capital of Quebec is Quebec City which is well known for its old architectural beauty, cultural events and historical sites. Quebec tour is one of the most exciting tours in the world because it suits everyone’s tastes. It is a place for all kinds of people like sports enthusiasts, food lovers and culture cuffs. One of the most recognized tourist attractions is the notable ‘joie-de-vivre’.

A Quebec tour is a veritable experience in diversity.  Travelers can enjoy all kinds of activities during their Quebec tour. Quebec’s numerous outdoor festivals take place during the summer months. The months from September to October are special because the autumn season brings out the changing colors of the leaves. The sight is breathtaking and the view from the gondola ride in Mont-Tremblant is spectacular.


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The winter months are great for outdoor activities. The pristine snow from the Laurentian Mountains offers abundant outdoor activities which include, snowboarding, skiing, dog sledding and much more. The spring season includes blooming flowers and trees, gentle rains and gradual warmth. Recetas faciles y rápidas

During your Quebec tour remember to take a cruise around the Montreal Island and then to the east of Quebec City. The International Garden Festival in Gaspésie and the Botanical Gardens in Montreal are among the most beautiful gardens in Quebec. The kids would love a trip to the Granby Zoo and La Ronde theme park. There are several other places to see in Quebec.

Quebec cuisine is a mixture of typical French food with other cultural influences. The variety of cheese, wine, ice cider and micro-brewed beer is incredible. The sugar shack or cabane à sucre is something you cannot miss if you are visiting Quebec. It is a family culinary tradition where maple products are eaten while listening to Québec folklore.

Some of the dishes you should try during your visit include poutine, pouding chômeur, maple syrup, tourtière, cretons, shepherd’s pie, sugar pie and baked beans. La Grolla is one of the best restaurants in Quebec while Petit Champlain district is a great place for shopping.


Things to Do in Quebec City

Quebec is one of the most beautiful places in Canada. The capital of Quebec is Quebec City which is well known for its old architectural beauty, cultural event





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Plan your quebec tour 1

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