Rhode Island





Rhodes is one of the most beautiful and largest Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. The island has a long history stretching back to the Neolithic era. It was once part of Alexander’s empire and, after his death; Rhodes established close links with Ptolemy’s Egypt.

The rulers of Rhode excelled in pragmatic diplomacy even in ancient times. It signed a treaty with the emerging power of Christian Rome and invited St Paul to spread the message of Christ in the island. All these developments paved the way for Rhodes to become prosperous and powerful, enabling their rulers to accumulate enormous resources to adorn their beloved town that they considered to be big and beautiful, with imposing cathedrals and majestic castles.


The medieval town

The town is divided into two parts – the old and the new. The old town with medieval architecture and narrow cobbled streets is most appealing.

In the 14th and 15th centuries the earlier Byzantine city of Rhodes was extended and its fortifications reinforced for creating the medieval Rhodes town. This well-preserved fortified old town is now a Cultural Heritage Site listed by the UNESCO.

Visitors will cherish the memory of walking down the narrow streets admiring all the while what they see. It is a visual delight to marvel at the imposing Renaissance castles, palaces with gardens and courtyards, the protective surrounding walls with a moat that has now gone dry, Byzantine churches and mosques built later during the Arab occupation. This medieval town is not a phantasmagoria. It is still vibrating with activities.

Even the dried up moat is put to good use in summer for hosting cultural activities like concerts various forms of performing arts.

The old town isn’t old in spirit. It has an intense nightlife that glitters in the evening around Ippokratous Square areas of the old town where many bars, restaurants and nightclubs are located.

The new town

One of the oldest archaeological finds was unearthed in the heart of the new town. It is the 3rd century BC temple of Aphrodite. Many other buildings of historical importance are located in this part of the town.

The impressive Murat Reis Mosque is built once stood a big church. The ruins of an ancient wall have been found near the mosque. The lighthouse at the end of the jetty near the harbor once served as a fortress.

The Colossus

Rhodes defeated Alexander’s successor, Demetrios Poliorketes, when he attacked the island in 305 BC. Proud Rhodians built a gigantic triumphal statue of God Helios with the metal of the war machinery the Greeks left behind. It was partly destroyed in a massive earthquake 56 years later. During its short span of existence, it was rated as one of the Wonders of the World.

Rhodes defeated Alexander’s successor, Demetrios Poliorketes, when he attacked the island in 305 BC. Proud Rhodians built a gigantic triumphal statue of God Helios with the metal of the war machinery the Greeks left behind. It was partly destroyed in a massive earthquake 56 years later. Salarios y Sueldos medios 2023

The Arabs broke the remains of the Colossus and sold it as scrap in the 7th century when they captured Rhodes. There isn’t any piece of the Colossus anywhere but what will always remain is the legend of its being one of the Wonders of the World.

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  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island

    Rhodes is one of the most beautiful and largest Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. The island has a long history stretching back to the Neolithic era. It was onc






    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island

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