Your Babys at Eighth Month




Children love to hear repeated sounds. Even if you are singing songs and nursery rhymes do the same ones again and again. By now you will find that your child prefers one over the other. He will now begin to try and start crawling and will prop himself on his knees and arms and only wobble in the same spot, trying to reach for an object.

He will be able to clap with his hands, and will also start to point to objects. You will be able to understand him much better. He will sense when you are upset or angry. He understands the meaning of the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ by now. He will also begin to join two syllables which have the same sound together.

Encourage him to crawl by asking him to come towards you with your arms outstretched. Make them sit for longer periods by this time. Move your body as you sing, and let the baby follow the actions you are making. By now children love to make noise so you can give him lots of pots and pans so that he can bang them using wooden spoons. This is a period when he is developing his sense of self esteem, so make sure you are around at this stage to encourage him and make him feel more secure. El Portal de los Acrósticos imaginativos


Allow the baby to play in his bath and give him lots of empty cups and spoons. Let him experiment with his own games. Do not restrict him in his play. Let him explore and experiment by himself.

Whenever your baby is sitting in his cot or on the ground make sure he has plenty of toys around him which he can reach out to and play by himself.

You will find that by now your baby is blowing bubbles with his mouth. This is all a part of developing his speech. Do not stop him.

Point out to the various parts of his body when he is looking into the mirror. Be there for him when he cries and needs you without getting irritated and angry.

Your Babys at Eighth Month

Your Babys at Eighth Month

Children love to hear repeated sounds. Even if you are singing songs and nursery rhymes do the same ones again and again. By now you will find that your child





Your Babys at Eighth Month
Your Babys at Eighth Month

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