Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe- World Heritage Sites, Tourist Attractions in Zambia, Zimbabwe | Travel Destination




Touted to be the largest waterfall in the entire world, Victoria Falls which is located in between Zimbabwe and Zambia is considered as a natural wonder by many. The series of falls were discovered by David Livingstone who named them after the Queen. The falls are also called as Mosi-oa-Tunya (Smoke that Thunders) in the local language and the site is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The water that feeds the falls is said to flow through the Zambezi River whose bank is lined with several islands. With no kind of gorges, valleys or escsarpments that can otherwise be found in other falls, the entire river courses over the edge of a cliff to fall as a single sheet of water into a sloping gorge that is said to be about 1708 meters wide. This sloping gorge is called the First Gorge and supplies water to the main falls through a small outlet that is about 110-360 feet wide. The total height of the waterfall is said to be about 108 meters which is not the highest in the world though.


Boaruka Island and Livingstone Island are two islands that are found near the western bank and the center of the falls respectively. These two islands divide the curtain of water that flows from the falls; and several smaller islets along the way divide these two streams into smaller ones. The separated individual streams are named as Devil’s Cataract, Main Falls, Rainbow Falls and Eastern Cataract.

The highlight of a visit to the Victoria Falls is a swim in the famous Devil’s Pool. Accessible only via Livingstone Island, the Devil’s Pool is a small natural pool that is situated right at the tip of the falls. Mejores tendederos

A naturally formed stone wall beneath the surface contains the water and in low season when the water levels are low, tourists are permitted to swim in the pool. It is possible to swim to the very edge of the waterfall without plummeting into the gorge below.

In addition to just visiting the falls, tourists can also take some time off to visit the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park and the Victoria Falls National Park. Though pretty small at 66 square kilometers and 23 square kilometers respectively, the latter connects with another much larger park called the Zambezi National Park.

Animals can move freely in between both the parks and can also travel to the Kazuma Pan National Park, the Matetsi Safari Area and the Hwange National Park that lie to the south of Victoria Falls.

It is possible to spot among other animals, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, zebras, baboons, hippos, vervet monkeys and crocodiles which are more common. Lions and leapords are occasionaly seen at the water holes.

Birdwatchers will love the diverse varieties of birds that can be found here. The more popular ones include klipspringers, raptors, otters, black eagles, falcons, water fowls, fish eagles, herons and buzzards. It is also possible to spot taita falcons and augur buzzards near the gorges.

Most of the visitors to the Victoria Falls are locals from both countries. Although movement of tourists is more restricted on the Zambian side, a sizeable amount of locals and tourists visit the falls from Zimbabwe. Obtaining a visa is not a must for day trip visiters but can be acquired and kept in hand for emergency situations.


Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe- World Heritage Sites, Tourist Attractions in Zambia, Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe- World Heritage Sites, Tourist Attractions in Zambia, Zimbabwe | Travel Destination

Touted to be the largest waterfall in the entire world, Victoria Falls which is located in between Zimbabwe and Zambia is considered as a natural wonder by m





Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe- World Heritage Sites, Tourist Attractions in Zambia, Zimbabwe
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe- World Heritage Sites, Tourist Attractions in Zambia, Zimbabwe

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