Edinburgh Travel Guide




The beautiful city of Edinburgh is an enchanting holiday destination with a number of wonderful things to see and do. Built atop a creek from the North Sea, popularly known as the Firth of Forth, and surrounded by rolling hills, lakes and forests, this historic city allures tourists to come here and enjoy a memorable holiday.

Edinburgh lies beyond the rocky Arthur’s Seat, one of the seven defunct volcanic hills, that looms over this glorious city above the turbulent waters of the Firth of Forth. It’s a vibrant city with majestic castles, historic houses, elegant boulevards and cobbled alleyways. Edinburgh is indeed a visual delight.

With the efflux of time Edinburgh became overpopulated and the need arose for building another township. Both the towns are equally fascinating and historically important with their carefully preserved Classical architecture. In 1995 UNESCO listed Edinburgh as a World Heritage Site.


The Old Town still maintains its medieval character and many Reformation Era grand edifices, built in early 16th century still stand elegantly exuding their majestic charms.
There are many large squares throughout the neighborhood of the Old Town where public buildings and business areas are located whereas the New Town is famous for shopping and entertainment.

The Royal Mile is the Old Town’s main – and probably the oldest – thoroughfare that connects the Magnificent Edinburgh Castle with the impressive ruins of Holyrood Abbey. On either side of this historic road are many wonderful places that are worth exploring. There are many narrow and winding alleyways jutting out from this impressive boulevard and going downhill to small, old and family-run shops and a plethora of popular pubs, crowded almost always with tipplers.

There are many large squares within the Old Town where public buildings and markets are located. Queen Elizabeth spends her Scottish holidays at the Palace of Holyrood whenever she visits Edinburgh. Other important landmarks in this area are the Royal Museum of Scotland, the General Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh University and the Surgeons’ Hall.

The New Town, however, isn’t new at all. Its construction was started in the 18th century based on rigid town-planning concept of symmetrical grid of streets lined with Georgian buildings.
The majestic Edinburgh Castle is the city’s major landmark and it commands immediate attention of all visitors when they enter the city. Its imposing structure built on granite cliffs dwarfs everything else in the neighborhood. From its upper stories visitors get breathtaking views of the city below and the sea beyond it. Moniteurs pc - critiques

Exploring the Old and not-so-New sectors of this charming old city is a wonderful sightseeing experience. The buildings around you are mostly medieval but the local people you come in contact with are all modern like their counterparts anywhere in the world. Shops that operate from medieval buildings sell branded goods like many other swanky shops in world’s fashionable shopping streets.

There are many tourist attractions, especially in the Old Town, that you will enjoy exploring by walking. Roads are too narrow here and driving a car is too hazardous. But you have to depend on public transport system for exploring the city extensively.

The bus is the best way to travel within the city. Exact change is required to pay for your ticket. Fare depends on the distance you travel. Buy an Edinburgh Freedom Ticket at a set price and travel the whole day wherever. Go wherever you like to go or wherever the bus does. A ride in a double-decker bus is most enjoyable.

The choice of hotels and guesthouses is pretty wide in Edinburgh. You will find boutique hotels in the heart of the city or quiet retreats on its outskirts. There are luxury hotels below the Edinburgh Castle and also self-catering service apartments on the busy and beautiful Royal Mile. Check the internet and see the full range of choices.

There are many wonderful places to eat throughout the city where you can indulge yourself with delicious Scottish cuisine. Edinburgh offers a vibrant nightlife. This classical city of palaces, abbeys and world famous educational institutions is now known for its nightlife hotspots. And don’t forget that the world’s finest malt whiskey is produced only in Scotland. Edinburgh is a great destination for a vacation with family. Bring your family along if you have one.

Edinburgh Travel Guide

Edinburgh Travel Guide

The beautiful city of Edinburgh is an enchanting holiday destination with a number of wonderful things to see and do. Built atop a creek from the North Sea, po






Edinburgh Travel Guide
Edinburgh Travel Guide

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