Travel to Amsterdam




Facts about Amsterdam

Facts about amsterdam comment page 1 1Located in the Netherlands in North Holland, Amsterdam is a place worth a visit. From being a small fishing village to one of the major tourist attractions today, it has come a long way. It experiences moderate cool temperatures, with a mild winter and warm summer. Known for its international business, it is the financial and business capital of Netherlands. The period of July and August is the time when tourists are seen the most.

Its name is derived from Amstel Dam, which means a dam in the river Amstel. It draws around 4.2 million people annually, to see its various attractions like Van Gogh Museum, which contains the largest Van Gogh collections in the world, Amsterdam Canal Ring, Rijksmuseum, Dam square, Oude Kerk. Its currency is Euro. Every year, May 4 is celebrated as a day to honour those who died in the war and May 5 celebrates the Liberation of Amsterdam.


Plague had badly affected the region during 1623-25 causing almost 10% of the population to perish. On one hand, Amsterdam grew in the 17th century called the “golden age” and on the other hand, 18th century saw the decline in Amsterdam’s wealth and status. Every month has a special event in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam has the most number of museums in Netherlands, and has even one which talks about taboo subjects like sex and marijuana. There are around 300 coffee shops here, where sale of 5 gm soft drugs per person is legal. What might be a surprise to many is that Amsterdam has around 1 million bikes, which also makes it the easiest way to travel for tourists and people of Amsterdam. Many such tours are organized. - Programas de TV, Series, Guía de episodios.

We all have heard about Kohinoor, but how many of us know that it was actually cut in Amsterdam? Amsterdam played a huge role in helping New Orleans take charge of itself after being hit by Katrina. Since it is below sea level, global warming is a huge threat to Amsterdam. It won’t be able to handle the rising sea levels. It also has one of the highest numbers of rivers, lakes and canals.


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    Travel to Amsterdam

    Located in the Netherlands in North Holland, Amsterdam is a place worth a visit. From being a small fishing village to one of the major tourist attractions tod





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    Facts about amsterdam comment page 1 1

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