Famous Festivals And Events Of France




France is one of those countries in the continent of Europe that has innumerable attractions for its visitors. This is one of the major reasons why the country is visited by millions and millions of tourists every year.

The beautiful cities within the country itself call for a lot of visits where sightseeing landmarks are concerned. Along with this, there is one thing that France is really proud of having. The enriched art and culture is what we are talking about.

France has innumerable opportunities for artists and creative people from all around the globe. This leads to various festivals and events held in the country every year. There is no limit to the celebrations that take place in France.


Whether it’s about food or fashion or art and culture, France is one of the best hubs in the entire Europe. The hustle and bustle of the country is maintained on a good level through the regular festivals and events held here from time to time. Since there are countless celebrations that define France, it is very important to short list the most significant ones if you are planning to take a trip.

Here is a simple and uncomplicated guide that will list down the best and the most famous events so that you can choose the ones that suits your interest and plan a holiday accordingly-

List of Festivals and Events Of France

Tour de France

As one of the most popular bicycle race all around the globe, this is one event that France is really proud to organize every year. The event is attended by participants from major places of the world as well as thousands and thousands of spectators who come here to support their favorite contestants.

It is in the month of July when you can get a knack of this enthralling event! An experience of a lifetime, it is something that you should definitely plan to attend while planning a trip to France.

Le Jour Del’an (New Year’s Day)

It is the first day of the year that is celebrated with unlimited excitement and celebrations for the days to come. Family get together and giving each other presents and gifts are some of the main features of Le Jour Del’an. The entire environment is that of fun and entertainment and is full of festivity.

Photo Credit: Jesuiscultive.com

The dinner is an elaborate and royal affair in most of the houses when it comes to this occasion held on January 1. Friend reunions are another common trend that French people follow on this day. So if you get an opportunity, try to spend your new year’s here in France and see how lavishly they welcome it!

Mardi Gras

It is one of the other festivals that have a lot of significance when it comes to French events and celebrations. The carnival that stretches for 3 days is held in all the major cities of the country including Cannes, Nice, Grasse and more. Colorful parades and costume parties are two of the features that mark the entire festival. Along with this you will find a lot of people singing and driving flower decorated cars along the main streets of the cities. Todo sobre Hoteles

In main cities like Nice, huger parades are held along with an effigy of the king surrounded by colorful balloons and clowns. Even in the city of Paris you can find a lot happening during the time of Mardi gras. Garlands, ribbons, balloons and flowers are used for decoration purposes where the parades are concerned. The crowd even blows horns to pay homage to the king.

Bastille Day

The celebration or the festival is named after the famous prison situated in the city of Paris. The day is celebrated to pay dedication to the end of monarchy in the country and the formation of the French Republic. It is a national holiday in France and is fêted in the month of July.

Cannes Film Festival

This is one event that is not only renowned in the entire country of France but among people all around the world. There is hardly anyone existing who doesn’t have an idea about the Cannes Film Festival held annually. It is tagged as the most prestigious and imperative film festival of the world.

To get a knack of this festival you have to be in the country in the month of May. Another star attraction of the festival is the award given to the best film of the year here at Cannes which is known as Palme d’Or. You have to be really lucky to attend this sophisticated festival of France!

Nice Jazz Festival

As the name says it, this jazz festival is a specialty of the city of Nice. The fiesta has thousands of visitors and tourists from within the country as well as outside.

Summer is the time when this celebration is held which is attended by countless number of fine musicians from diverse countries. The concerts are something that just shouldn’t be missed if you plan to attend the Nice Jazz Festival.

French Tennis Open

For all the sports lovers, especially those who have a love for tennis, French Tennis Open is the best you can attend to have a lifetime experience that will be etched in your mind forever.

Photo Credit: Radiousa.com

The event is held in the later weeks of May and takes place in the beautiful city of Paris. The entire tournament stretches for two weeks and is one of the healthy competitions between the finest tennis players from across the globe.

Salon du Chocolat

One of the yummiest and delicious food festivals held in the country is the Salon du Chocolat. It’s a lengthy celebration and is celebrated in the city of Paris in the months of October and early days of November.

La Pourcailhade

La Pourcailhade is a.k.a. the Festival of Pig. Piglet races are held during the event where a lot of people participate along with out of the box eating contests and costume competitions where people dress up in piglet outfits. It is held in the month of August.

These are some of the top most festivals and fiestas of the country of France. Choose the one that best suits your taste and interest and see how well you tour the place.

Famous Festivals And Events Of France

Famous Festivals And Events Of France

France is one of those countries in the continent of Europe that has innumerable attractions for its visitors. This is one of the major reasons why the country






Famous Festivals And Events Of France
Famous Festivals And Events Of France

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