Top Three Gelaterias In Rome




Are you a stickler for ice creams? Then believe me when I say that you have not tasted anything until you taste a gelato in Rome! What is a gelato you ask? Well, a gelato is similar to an ice cream but is smoother, richer and considerably tastier than a normal ice cream.

A gelato is not whipped like an ice cream. Rather, it is churned and that is what gives the final product its density and richness. Another factor that differentiates gelatos from ice creams is that the former do not contain high amounts of cream or sugar, which results in a subtle flavor that comes through very nice and lingers in your mouth long after you have finished eating them.


Gelaterias In Rome

So what has Rome got to do with gelatos you ask? Simple, Rome has some of the best gelaterias in Europe. And gelaterias are usually the special places where you can get good quality gelatos.

Gelaterias are usually open throughout the day and offer homemade, tasty gelatos. And there are plenty of gelaterias scattered all across Rome. But when it comes to choosing the best gelaterias in town, that are notoriously famous for their mouth watering gelatos, here are a few choices to help you out.


San Crispino

Located at two of the city’s focal points, the San Crispino is thronged by locals and tourists alike for its signature gelati. Although the appearance of the gelati may make you apprehensive about tasting it (at first glance it looks muddy and ugly), the taste would draw you like bees to honey! Oye Quotes Lifestyle

Made with no extra additives, preservatives, flavors, colors or other add-ons, the gelati offered at San Crispino is so mouthwatering that it would not be a surprise to find huge crowds gathered outside both the branches (one at the Trevi Fountain and one at the Basilica of San Giovanni) at all times of the day.


Dating back to as far as 1900, the Giolotti gelateria boasts of being one of the oldest Roman gelaterias in the entire continent. Giolotti is situated in Pantheon and is a regular with romantic couples and families alike.


Some ‘must try out’ gelato concoctions at Giolotti include the Coppa Gilotti which is a suitable blend of custard, ice cream and chilled zabaione, and the Torta Giolotti which is a ice cream cake that is known throughout the region for its richness and taste.

Gelateria Del Teatro

You may find it hard to find this particular gelateria and may even miss it on the way. For the Gelateria del Teatro is located in a comparatively quieter back street which stays hidden from many tourists.

As a result, this particular gelateria enjoys frequent visits from the local crowd apart from a few regular, dedicated tourists.But trust me, once you visit the Gelateria del Teatro and sample its signature gelatos, you will definitely mark the place in all the itineraries that you plan for Rome in the future. Handmade from scratch, the gelatos at Gelateria del Teatro are scrumptious. A ‘must try out’ flavor includes the signature chocolate and red wine mix!

Top Three Gelaterias In Rome

Top Three Gelaterias In Rome

Are you a stickler for ice creams? Then believe me when I say that you have not tasted anything until you taste a gelato in Rome! What is a gelato you ask? Wel





Top Three Gelaterias In Rome
Top Three Gelaterias In Rome

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