Travel Canary Islands




Canary islands a heavenly archipelago 1About these islands

This group of volcanic islands – seven large and a few small – located in the Atlantic Ocean are much closer to the African coastline than Spain, the virtual ruler of this heavenly archipelago since the last decade of the 15th century. Despite being located in close proximity, each island has its distinct visual characteristics, radically different from others. The antiquity of these islands is shrouded in myths and historical mumbo jumbo. Some historians are inclined to believe that the Canary Islands were once part of the legendary lost continent Atlantis. Christopher Columbus loved to anchor his ships in one of these islands during his long voyages for discovering the New World.


What attract the tourists

The landscapes of Canary Islands are intriguing; often resembling the arid, craggy and surreal lunar surface. That makes travelers curious about this archipelago. They come here to bask in the sun on long white beaches and have a good time in restaurants and pubs that dot these islands.

Booming tourism

The islands’ tourism industry has considerably developed over the past half-a-century, generating an astounding 80% of the total annual revenue. The government is spending more money for improving the tourism infrastructure. Travelers are now going back with splendid memories of their travel experience.

Getting here

The easiest way to reach here is by air. International airports are located at Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Lanzarote islands.

Getting around

All the seven large islands are connected by ferry services and some of these could be reached by air. But there are different options for traveling within an island. Exploring all the islands would be time-consuming and tiring. Select a few that would give you plenty of sightseeing satisfaction for a week.

What the islands offer

One island is different from the other. What they all have in common is the addictive quality of these islands’ exotic landscapes for attracting visitors here to see something different. The other common factor is the warm hospitality that the islanders provide to their cash-rich guests for having a good time and, in the process enrich the islands’ economy. Cine de Calidad gratis

Let’s have a good time

All the seven islands have tremendous tourism potential for different reasons. Let’s see how many of them we can visit now.

Tenerife Island has everything that any discerning traveler expects to find in a host country; sea, sand, sun et al. On the hospitality from the Island gives you an excellent opportunity to experience the Spanish culture, good food and wine, and live entertainment. The nightlife gets vibrant after the sun disappears either into the Atlantic or behind the mountain, depending on your location. It is the largest island in the Canary, and the most popular. It offers the most varied landscapes. While enjoying the sun lying on a sandy white beach, you can fix your gaze on the white peaks of snow-capped mountains.

Fuerteventura is a quiet and relaxing island famous for its sandy white beaches. The sand dunes outside Corralejo in the north of the island look stunning, may be not so beautiful but breathtaking. If you are looking for a lively evening out, Corralejo is the place for you. Take a walk around the coast and harbor areas dotted with bars and sit down at any joint that catches your fancy. Sip chilled beer and watch the world go by.

The sand dunes of Maspolomas will make you wonder whether the Creator had made a blunder by placing this island in the Atlantic instead of Sahara! You don’t have to take the trouble of walking over the hot sand. A camel will take you around on its uncomfortable back so that you are still able to enjoy the desert’s eerie landscape.

Sufficiently provoked

These are only the three islands in the Canaries out of the four that you are yet to know about. Perhaps your curiosity to explore the Canary Islands has already been sufficiently raised, provoking you to take the journey now without waiting for the next installment of information!

Travel Canary Islands

This group of volcanic islands – seven large and a few small – located in the Atlantic Ocean are much closer to the African coastline than Spain, the virtu





Canary islands a heavenly archipelago 1
Canary islands a heavenly archipelago 1

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